KITA(Chairman Jin Sik Yoon) and Gangnam-gu Office(Head of Gangnam-gu district Sung Myung Cho) jointly held the '2nd Gangnam, Embracing Digital,' a private-public partnership open innovation event on June 4th at COEX Startup Branch in Samseong-dong. This program is aimed at discovering innovative companies' ideas and technologies that could help address various issues in urban areas, including environmental, safety, transportation, welfare, and administrative issues, and providing support for companies with outstanding technologies so that they can conduct PoC in Gangnam-gu dictrict.
During the event, ten outsanding companies, selected from the 141 that participated in the idea contest last March, presented their business proposals, and five final companies were chosen among them through evaluation to conduct PoC in Gangnam-gu district. These selected companies will receive subsidies worth approximately 20 million won from the Gangnam-gu district for their PoC within the district.